Will 2024 be the year that you buy an electric car?

Vehicle prices are coming down and the number of public chargers is going up, so does it now pay to go green? George Nixon does the maths

There were about 49,000 public chargers in October 2023. The target is 300,000 by 2030
There were about 49,000 public chargers in October 2023. The target is 300,000 by 2030
The Times

Michelle Minnikin and James Eves were excited when they picked up their electric car two years ago. The couple, both 44, from North Tyneside used to have two diesel cars, which sat gathering dust on their driveway during the pandemic. After months discussing the pros and cons, they took the plunge and took a three year lease on a new £36,000 Hyundai Ioniq in October 2021 for £211 a month.

“We thought that it would be good for the environment. Electricity at the time was cheap — it seemed like a sensible thing to do,” Minnikin said.

The reality has been quite different.

Their car is supposed to have a range of 170 miles on a full battery, but that drops when it is cold