Dogs use British-made gadgets to find radiation on Ukraine’s battlefields

Russian attacks on nuclear power stations have made the risks even greater
Dogs carrying iPhone-sized radiation detectors are being used in Ukraine
Dogs carrying iPhone-sized radiation detectors are being used in Ukraine

Dogs carrying radiation detectors the size of a mobile phone have been dispatched to Ukraine to provide troops with early warning of a nuclear disaster.

Real-time data on radiation levels collected by eight dogs will be sent to soldiers on the ground, who will be able to decide whether to move forward into battle.

The radar technology, made in Sedgefield, Co Durham, is so sensitive that it will pick up even the lowest levels of radiation. It can also identify the exact nature of the radioactive source material, such as plutonium or uranium.

The Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant has been on the front line of the conflict
The Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant has been on the front line of the conflict

Arnab Basu, chief executive of the manufacturer Kromek, said: “The canines are going to add an enormous new capability to the Ukrainian forces to deal with difficult situations. We are able to