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Gazans detained by Israel claim they were tortured

Released Palestinian civilians allege beatings and humiliation
Many Gazans returning from detention had suffered injuries, and others had untreated wounds
Many Gazans returning from detention had suffered injuries, and others had untreated wounds

Saqer al-Jamal was at home in Gaza City with his children and grandchildren when Israeli forces descended on them. Along with his sons and his son-in-law, he was blindfolded and had his hands tied behind his back. They were taken to a series of unknown locations where they were held and beaten.

After 23 days of “torture, beatings and humiliation” he was bundled into a bus with other detainees and dropped at the Rafah crossing from Gaza to Egypt.

“We were beaten until we wished for death and then suddenly we were dumped here,” Jamal, 60, recounted to The Times. “I still don’t know where my family is. They took the women away and I still know nothing about where they are. Where are my