Grant Shapps: No price is too high to back Ukraine against Russia

As financial support for Kyiv dwindles, the defence secretary warns of sleepwalking into an autocratic era that threatens our way of life

Grant Shapps announced the launch of the maritime capability coalition to step up security
Grant Shapps announced the launch of the maritime capability coalition to step up security
Caroline Wheeler
The Sunday Times

Grant Shapps has warned that the world is “sleepwalking” into an autocratic era and the West “cannot afford” to lose the war in Ukraine.

With financial support for Kyiv starting to dwindle as the conflict enters its third year and fatigue sets in on both sides of the Atlantic, the defence secretary warned of the “severe consequences” for the world if President Putin triumphs.

Separately, Shapps raised alarm over the “deteriorating” situation in the Gulf, where attacks by the Iranian-backed Houthis in Yemen on naval and commercial ships in the Red Sea threaten to spark a wider regional conflict.

After a British destroyer shot down a Houthi drone last weekend, and with the US now actively considering military strikes, Shapps said the UK would not