Prince Andrew, Bill Clinton and Richard Branson ‘in Epstein sex tapes’

Donald Trump is also mentioned in testimony since retracted by the aristocrat Sarah Ransome

From left: Branson, Andrew and Clinton
From left: Branson, Andrew and Clinton
The Times

Sex tapes featuring the Duke of York, Bill Clinton and Sir Richard Branson were allegedly recorded by the paedophile financier Jeffrey Epstein, a British aristocrat has claimed.

Sarah Ransome made a series of extraordinary allegations, which she later retracted, in emails written in 2016 and unsealed by a New York court on Monday.

Ransome, who claims she was aged 22 when she was forced to have sex and is now in her thirties, wrote: “When my friend had sexual intercourse with Clinton, Prince Andrew and Richard Branson, sex tapes were in fact filmed on each separate occasion by Jeffrey.

The Duke of York paid £12 million to Virginia Giuffre in 2022 to settle her civil sexual assault case. Right: Ghislaine Maxwell
The Duke of York paid £12 million to Virginia Giuffre in 2022 to settle her civil sexual assault case. Right: Ghislaine Maxwell

“Thank God she managed to get a hold of some footage of the filmed sex tapes, which clearly identify the faces of Clinton, Prince Andrew and