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Through the looking glass with Richard Tice, Farage’s plummy PA

The Reform party leader has grown so used to fielding questions about whether his Brexit compatriot will return, he supplies the answers in advance

Richard Tice was asked a lot about Nigel Farage, left, but his “special guest” was Alexandra Phillips, right
Richard Tice was asked a lot about Nigel Farage, left, but his “special guest” was Alexandra Phillips, right
The Times

The Reform party is the anti-Trigger’s broom of British politics. It’s had 18 different names but it’s still the same head, still the same handle. That they managed to summon so many people to their new year press conference was entirely because of a deliberately ambiguous promise that the famous broomhead himself might make an appearance — but in the end only the handle made it.

Technically, Reform UK is led by the public school-educated, Isle of Wight-based property millionaire and authentic man of the people Richard Tice, who is surely the first person in British political history to combine the role of party leader and PA. Absolutely all of his mercifully few speeches are quickly given over to fielding questions about where “honorary president”