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Europe aims to ramp up weapons to help Ukraine defeat Russia

Britain and other countries want to be able to support if Donald Trump wins the 2024 election and pulls US backing
The supply of weapons and ammunition to Ukraine must continue, even if the US pulls out, military chiefs have said
The supply of weapons and ammunition to Ukraine must continue, even if the US pulls out, military chiefs have said

Britain and other European countries are “cranking through the gears” trying to ensure they can help Ukraine win its war against Russia without the US should Donald Trump get into power, according to a senior Whitehall source.

Ministers are desperately trying to ramp up manufacturing capabilities across the continent so they can send weapons and ammunition to the front line and keep Vladimir Putin at bay for at least another year, irrespective of US support.

Britain’s military intelligence chiefs believe Ukraine cannot win the war against Russia in 2024 because it does not have the manpower or the weapons for a big battlefield breakthrough. Nor does Russia’s military have the strength to launch a major counteroffensive that can break through Ukrainian lines.

There is a fear a funding and weapons-making hole may need to be filled if Donald Trump is re-elected and pulls US support
There is a fear a funding and weapons-making hole may need to be filled if Donald Trump is re-elected and pulls US support

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