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Shores of Windermere scarred by tree felling

Chris Packham ‘appalled’ after private landowner ­accused of blighting the landscape by cutting down an acre of trees illegally
Chris Packham, the TV naturalist and environmental campaigner, denounced the lack of funding available to tackle environmental crimes after the lakeside trees were felled, shown in these before and after pictures
Chris Packham, the TV naturalist and environmental campaigner, denounced the lack of funding available to tackle environmental crimes after the lakeside trees were felled, shown in these before and after pictures

From the deck of the cruise ships that take tourists along the shores of Win­dermere, a once heavily wooded ­section of the lake now bears the scars of suspected illegal tree felling.

The private landowner has been ­accused of blighting the landscape by chopping down an acre of trees illegally. The owner was reported to the ­Forestry Commission in September but no action has been taken.

Chris Packham, the TV naturalist and environmental campaigner, said he was appalled by the damage on the shoreline and decried the lack of funding for agencies and local authorities to combat environmental crimes.

“There is legislation to prevent this from happening but there isn’t the wherewithal to implement it,” he said. “When you have national park authorities being cut