Wind farms ‘are destroying rural communities’

Campaign group and MSP say huge push for onshore renewable energy is leading to depopulation of countryside
There are currently 334 operational Scottish wind farms, running 4,273 turbines
There are currently 334 operational Scottish wind farms, running 4,273 turbines

Wind farms are “turbocharging” rural depopulation in parts of Scotland and having a devastating effect on local communities, campaigners have claimed.

Activists fighting what they describe as the “21st-century clearances” say rural homes are “collateral damage” in the advance of the developments, which they complain are being waved through by the Scottish government regardless of the cost to local communities.

Scotland Against Spin (SAS) claims this has led to properties being taken out of the national housing stock in areas where there is already a chronic shortage and caused unimaginable stress for the residents affected.

Its concerns are shared by the Scottish Conservative MSP Oliver Mundell, who said: “There is no doubt large-scale onshore wind farms are turbocharging rural depopulation in our upland valleys and